100% pure, potassium monopersulfate compound. No dyes, fillers or other additives. This is pure MPS, containing no buffers or stabilizers.
Sea-Klear Chlorine-Free Shock granular treatment removes contaminants that comprimise hot tub water. It works faster than other oxidizers and won't form chloramines. Used for cloudy water, mild odor, and heavy bather loads or when you feel the water is going a bit south.
Many customers find using this as a shock treatment (5-10X the dose) disloges white water mold, tissue algae and or environmental water conditions. Even new hot tub owners who discover that they has contaminated plumbing (Factory test water is used over and over and can infect the plumbing) do this in addition to the purge and minimizes the less than pristine start up experience.
Remove ahhNatural bag from spa, follow instructions on bottle, and run jets for 1 hour. Replace bag. You may use this product while having houseguests preventively and to help hot tub water recover faster. You can also use 5X the dose before changing spa water seasonally or when returning from vacation. Do not over use. Use the MPS test strips to let you know when levels are low or no enought to bathe.
* DO NOT use simultaneously with spa perfect, or SeaKlear.
Average Rating: (From 5 Reviews):
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It works.
From Joanna Foster of Toronto, Ontario on .
This works and lasts a good amount of time. We are a family of 5. Ordered a sea-klear (along with the ahhnatural system) and have been enjoying our hot tubs since it all arrived and we set it-up. 5 months later I am now ready to order my next bottle. We are a family of 5 with three young children in lockdown so we had lots of hot tubs! Worked better for us than just peroxide. Which didn't do much. Get a couple!
Good for the skin
From Julie Ericksen of Oak Harbor, Washington on .
We switched to the whole ahhnatural line of products after my husband and I started getting an itchy rash with bromine and other chemicals. Since we’ve started using sea clear and the whole kit we have had no problems with our skin. It’s so much healthier.
Did the trick to reduce cloudiness
From CarolS of San Francisco, California on .
I was hoping to extend the water in my hot tub a bit longer, but it was getting cloudy from non-use (i.e. low circulation of jets). The Sea-Klear shock did the trick to add several weeks of use before having to change the water in my tub. Because it's another additive, it started to foam a bit after that, however.
seaklear spa
From heather rowley of richmond, California on .
this works well with foggy water
Cleared Up My Cloudy Water Immediately
From Carol of San Francisco, California on .
I am new to the AhhNatural system, and still learning how to use the products. Because I was not using my tub frequently, there was not sufficient circulation/aeration of the water so it was clouding regularly and easily. The shock cleared it up immediately.
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10/22/2009 – Does it remove hard water build up. The problem in my spa is no matter what I still get little white chips on the bottom of my tub.
Response From ahhNatural.com: ahhNatural does not remove hard water build up. We do have a HARD WATER pre filter ($60) that aids in this by reducing the hardness. We also carry a product called METAL FREE this can be added after every fill(not chemical free).
Hard Water source issues are common in may areas. Even after you filter you may have to live with a slightly tinted water. The goal is to reduce the hardness so it won't harm the equipment. This tint is created by the minerals suspending in the water. We consider this natural. Lake Tahoe is a shade of amazing blue...imagine this in your hot tub!
12/3/2007 – Does ahhNatural work with a 220 gallon soft tub?
Response From ahhNatural.com: We do have customers using ahh in soft tubs of your size. It certainly is safe, however, small tubs require more consistent maintenance than larger tubs. A common tendency of all soft tubs is for the sides to become slick. Body organics want to cling to the pores of the vinyl. Wiping down the sides of your spa on a regular basis helps this.
Our soft Tub customers also find using SPA PERFECT enzymes on a monthly basis helps.
Another fact is the ratio of organics to water volume is VERY high. YOU MUST keep your filters clean or the water can become cloudy. Running your jets after you exit helps your tub deal with new organics right away, which keeps the water clean & clear. Having SEA KLEAR Clarifier on hand is an easy way to clean up after heavier use.
The smaller the tub the more important to is to bring in as little contaminates (oils, sweat, lotions, detergents) as possible. You may consider using periodic shock of SEA KLEAR NON_CHLORINE SHOCK
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